
LiveCode in Healthcare

“I highly recommend that anyone looking for a custom project seriously consider LiveCode.”

Rob Esposito, President, For Your Practice.

Apps For Healthcare

Many aspects of healthcare benefit from app technologies. Whether you want a step counting app on a mobile device, an information system for patients, a behind the scenes patient management system, or a diagnostics app, you are looking for the right people to work with to get your app created. Some of the areas we’re here to help you with include:

  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Triage
  • Telemedicine
  • Medical diagnostics
  • Patient management
  • Report writing
  • Health Information
  • Medical training

Obviously patient privacy and data security is paramount. Your app may need to be compliant with a variety of regulations depending on what it does, who you are creating it for and where in the world you are based.  You may need to be GDPR, HIPAA and DTAC compliant. You’re probably thinking about accessibility especially if your app is intended for patients with for example sight or hearing issues. The beauty of having an app created for you is that you are in control of all of these requirements from the start. If you decide to work with us, we have experience in creating secure and compliant apps. We’ll design it to your specification.

In healthcare you’re often looking for maximum deliverability, which means having your app available on a range of devices, maybe targeting different audiences with different sections of your app. So you might have admins logging in on a desktop or browser, and end users on mobile devices, often a mix of iOS and Android. When you choose us to build your app, you get total flexibility of deployment. Your app can run on Web, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and even Linux. It can have a backend running on a server, all without leaving our unified technology.

Client: For Your Practice

Touchless Brochures allows chiropractic practices to create patient education and informational articles that can be made into webpages, viewed and shared via QR Code, and posted to social media.

Client Case Study

For Your Practice, Inc. is located just outside of Philadelphia in Montgomery county. Their mission is to help practices grow by offering products, services, and business and management content to help navigate the ever-changing economic landscape that we are all experiencing. Digital technology and communication are key factors.

Rob Esposito, the president of For Your Practice, has been happily married for 35 years and has two grown daughters.  He’s enjoyed owning and operating various businesses in the Philadelphia market for many years.

The Opportunity

Rob had a vision to be able to easily share specific information provided by medical practices with end user patients. He wanted to move on from static printed materials that might be out of date and not easily shareable, to up to the minute information, pulled from a database straight to the patient’s mobile phone, from which it could be readily shared to social media. The information would be tailored to each individual practice using the system, and would be readily editable by the client practices.

The Solution

We have developed an end to end system using LiveCode, which includes a mySQL backend, an S3 AWS image store and oAuth implemented login systems. These have varying permission levels depending on whether the user is an admin or a practice owner. There are templates for information pages and the ability to scan QR codes to bring it all together on the users phone. 

Rob Esposito, the president of For Your Practice, has been happily married for 35 years and has two grown daughters.  He’s enjoyed owning and operating various businesses in the Philadelphia market for many years.

The Opportunity

Among others, this project used the following systems and features:

  • mySQL database
  • S3 AWS
  • oAuth logins with
  • multilevel permission sets
  • Froala text editor
  • Deploy to Web
  • QR code generation

LiveCode allows seamless integration of outside systems, as well as having a rich feature set of its own, making it a uniquely powerful solution for complex systems.

Client quote

Get Started Today

Chat with us today and take the first step towards a future-ready, custom-built application for your business.
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